Partnering with clients


Every investor is one of a kind. So are risklab's solutions.

Your institution is likely to have its unique investing DNA – a singular combination of desired investment outcomes, constraints and risk tolerance.

With such individual requirements, finding the right solutions can be difficult.

You need someone who can work in partnership with you, listen intelligently to your needs, and provide customised and actionable advice and solutions for your goals.

That's what risklab offers.

What is risklab?

As a specialist team within Allianz Global Investors, risklab acts as your strategic investment partner.

risklab team

Our team of over 50 investment professionals worldwide develops advisory services and solutions that are tailored to your individual investment goals.

We start every client engagement by listening to your needs and fostering a wide-ranging dialogue about your opportunities. Drawing on proprietary research into sources of risk and return, we help you address questions such as:

  • What should my long-term strategic asset allocation be to achieve my investment objectives?
  • How can I reduce the downside risk of my portfolio without giving up exposure to equity market returns?
  • How does a private markets strategy that fits both my financial goals and implementation constraints look like?
  • What are the sustainability characteristics of my portfolio and how can I improve them?
  • How to provide institutional-like wealth management solutions to retail clients?

risklab actively supports your investment outcomes with customised advice

  • Innovative

  • Customised

  • Holistic

  • We employ innovative quantitative methods
  • Our research capabilities span a global research network with academic partnerships
  • We develop proprietary digital tools to facilitate diagnosis and implementation
  • We employ advanced quantitative methods
  • Our research capabilities span a global research network with academic partnerships
  • We develop proprietary digital tools to facilitate diagnosis and implementation
  • We start every relationship by understanding your objectives and perspectives
  • We customise solutions for each specific client situation
  • Our solutions are designed to evolve with your changing needs
  • We take a total portfolio approach rather than thinking in asset-class silos
  • We cover the entire investment value chain
  • Our advice is practical, not esoteric: it is designed for immediate implementation and results

At the heart of risklab: our global innovation hub

Our global innovation hub – an intrinsic part of risklab – combines research tools and analytics with academic partnerships.

It helps ensure that our customised investment solutions are characterised by a high level of accuracy and precision, and operational stability and scalability. And it supports a digital-first approach, with intuitive online tools to equip clients and our own teams.

Leveraging a global academic network

Advanced quantitative models and methods

Embedding machine learning technology and analytics

Innovative technological methods for scientific computing

Quantitative research and modeling

Analytics and digital platform

Our expertise: delivering insights and solutions aligned with your goals

Asset allocation & portfolio construction

Navigate investment challenges and optimise the asset allocation to meet your investment goals

  • Capital markets modeling
  • Asset allocation and portfolio optimisation
  • Portfolio construction
  • Liability-driven investing

Risk management

Balance risk/return objectives within your portfolio allocation and stay in control of your portfolio at all times

  • Assessment and modeling of market risk
  • Design of risk-management solutions
  • Tailored dynamic asset allocation and tail-risk strategies

Digital & wealth management

Integrating accumulation, transition and decumulation in holistic wealth management tool based ecosystem

  • Holistic personalized wealth management
  • Integrated digital & hybrid advisory tools
  • Customized retirement & pension solutions

Private markets

Gain a holistic view and high process stability throughout the implementation – with an integrated approach that combines all relevant steps of the value chain

  • Risk & return modelling
  • Portfolio construction incl. commitment planning
  • Designing Private Markets Solutions

Sustainable investment advice

We help you to incorporate sustainability goals in your portfolio and understand the influences on your investment goals

  • Portfolio sustainability and climate risk assessment
  • Implementation of sustainability objectives into portfolio construction and investment strategy
  • Tailored sustainable investment solutions

We're global – and local

Whatever the geographic reach of your institution, local factors will likely influence your investment goals and possible solutions.

Our teams of regional experts – supported by our global innovation hub – can access global best practice and adapt it to your needs.

* Assets under advice for customized institutional solutions where risklab analysis is utilised. Data as at 1 January 2022

Investing involves risk. The value of an investment and the income from it may fall as well as rise and investors might not get back the full amount invested.

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future results. If the currency in which the past performance is displayed differs from the currency of the country in which the investor resides, then the investor should be aware that due to the exchange rate fluctuations the performance shown may be higher or lower if converted into the investor’s local currency.

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"risklab" and " risklab " are trademarks which are registered in the United States of America (USA), the European Union (EU), Hong Kong and various other jurisdictions.
Legal owner of the aforementioned trademarks is Allianz Global Investors GmbH, a German capital management company (Kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaft) registered with Bundesanstalt für Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht (BaFin) under the German Capital Management Act (KAGB) which is also licensed as a provider of financial services in Germany. Registration of this trade mark shall give no right to the exclusive use of the word RISK, or of the word LAB, each separately and apart from the mark.


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