A step closer to the goal of ending hunger with Allianz Food Security

Ending hunger needs new thinking and investment

In 2017, some 821 million people worldwide were affected by hunger.1 The coronavirus pandemic and climate change are exacerbating this issue further. Some might say to simply produce more food but we believe that the problem is much more complex.

Even before the COVID-19 pandemic and the increased awareness of climate change, the world’s food supply was extremely inefficient. While parts of the world population go hungry, data from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations shows that a third of the food produced globally is lost in the supply chain. At the same time, current agricultural practices are destroying our planet.

This calls for innovation alongside a more environmentally friendly approach throughout the food life cycle- from production to processing to consumption – that ensures safe and healthy nutrition for all.

How can the challenges of hunger be solved?

What action is needed?

Making agriculture more sustainable
Using food more efficiently and respectfully

Focus on healthier nutrition and food safety

Where can we invest? Examples.

das Gemüse

e.g. environmentally friendly fertilizers

das Labor

e.g. alternatives to meat


e.g. food safety controls

Allianz Food Security concentrates on three main areas

Allianz Food Security invests in companies that offer solutions for more sustainable food production and for affordable, equal access to safe and nutritious food worldwide. It aims to promote positive environmental and social goals along the entire food supply chain – from agriculture, to production and sale, to food quality – and implement the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

  • Companies whose products help to minimize adverse environmental and social impacts of agriculture. These could include producers of sustainable fertilizers, for example.
  • Companies who focus on improving resource use. For example, businesses that serve the market for resource-friendly vegetarian or vegan food, or whose products help to reuse or minimize food waste.
  • Companies working in the field of healthier nutrition. Food should serve its true purpose of strengthening rather than weakening the body. Nutritious food satisfies hunger and, in the right quantities, staves off diseases of affluence. Making food safe, e.g. by reducing the level of antibiotic residues, is another aspect of healthier nutrition.

Where does Allianz Food Security invest?

Infographic: Invest in Allianz Food Security

The fund invests in companies identified as making a clear and positive contribution to food security and society. Alongside opportunities for financial returns, investments based on the UN SDGs can offer environmental and social value. Find out more about the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals here.

Our thematic investment process is based on long-term structural megatrends. We concentrate on identifying long-term winners with attractive growth potential and resilient business models.1 The fund management team has a proven track record in this area.2

The fund seeks financial, social and environmental alpha. It consists of a concentrated portfolio of companies with highly attractive fundamentals and optimal solutions to improve food security worldwide.1


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1 There is no guarantee that the strategy will be successful, and losses cannot be excluded.
2 Statement refers to the thematic funds managed by the team. Past performance does not predict future returns. 

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