SDG-aligned investing

To create a fairer, healthier and more sustainable future, the global community agreed in 2015 on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – comprising of 17 goals and 169 underlying targets. They aim to bring together countries, organisations, companies and individuals from around the world to help protect the planet, end poverty and improve life for the entire global population. Investing in alignment with the SDGs now, may help protect our future.

Why invest in SDG-aligned strategies

Meeting the UN SDGs by the target year of 2030, will require substantial investment from both the public and private markets. This investment will help to support the innovative businesses creating solutions to address the challenges we face. Investment in these SDG-aligned businesses can unlock a triple alpha opportunity for investors:
financial alpha, social alpha and environmental alpha.

Investors no longer consider supporting environmental sustainability and social equality as an add on to an investment strategy. Investors demand more than pure financial alpha, and even ESG risk management, shifting to positive outcome orientated investment approaches. SDG aligned investing directs capital towards companies which we call ‘Key Enablers’ – that are providing solutions to the world’s greatest challenges. Read more about the difference between a company’s handprint and their footprint in our dedicated investment process section below.

We have a passionate and experienced team specialising in SDG-aligned strategies, supported by our global research platform and dedicated ESG analysts. We provide a holistic reflection of the alignment of a portfolio with our themes and target SDGs. There are both qualitative and qualitative assessments to our reporting as the impact a solution may have globally may not be easily measured and many companies are often aligned with more than one single SDG. We actively engage with the companies in our portfolios.

The SDGs create growth investment opportunities

Financing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals constitutes a thematic investment opportunity with potential. According to a report by the Business & Sustainable Development Commission (January 2017), the SDGs could generate USD 12 trillion in business savings and revenue across four sectors by 2030: energy, cities, food and agriculture, and health and well-being. The report also estimates the creation of 380 million new jobs linked to these four sectors in the next ten or fifteen years due to alignment of business strategy to the SDGs.

Investing across the Sustainable Development Goals with Allianz Global Investors

Unlocking the triple alpha effect: environmental, social and financial alpha. Our SDG-aligned strategies focus on investing for positive outcomes. We invest in companies that are providing solutions to address the world’s challenges and are helping to meet the environmental and social targets set out in the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

To learn more about a strategy please select the strategy name

Health Financial
Education Food
Water Clean
Allianz Global Water              
Allianz Food Security              
Allianz Smart Energy              
Allianz Sustainable Health Evolution              
Allianz Clean Planet          
Allianz Positive Change



SDG-related insights

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